Welcome to Thame Angling Club

Where can TAC members fish? Find out about becoming a member Read the latest TAC news

Thame Angling Club has provided over 60 years of fishing in the rivers around Thame

This website is for the Thame Angling Club and it will be used by the committee to keep you informed of what is happening in the club and also for the members to contact the committee and to share their thoughts, photographs and any other information relevant to fishing our home waters.

Please let us know what you think of the website and let us have any ideas that have that could improve it. You can also send us anything relevant to the club or fishing in the local area by using the contact page and it will be added to the site.


A quick reminder to all members that they are only allowed access to, and fishing at, the designated areas along the River Thames at Nuneham Courtney. A person claiming to be a member was recently caught near the new cottages and had to be removed from the Estate. A reminder that Nuneham Courtney is private property and any fisherman caught away from the permitted area will be asked to leave the Estate and will be banned from the Club. Please contact a committee member if you have any questions.