The history of Thame Angling Club
Thame Angling Club was formed in 1947.
The following is an extract from the very first entry from the Thame Angling Club Minutes;
Thame Comrades Angling Club
Friday May 16 1947
At a meeting held in the Memorial Club on the above date attended by the following,
Mr F Walker, Mr G Honnor
Mr A Crowdy, Mr F Wall
Mr D Cherry, Mr A H Elt
It was resolved that we attempt to form a Fishing Club. If sufficient
support was forthcoming a further meet be held at a date to be specified
later. It was agreed that the above named be called the Founder

One of the oldest clubs in Thame
It was at this meeting that one of the oldest clubs in Thame was started. It no longer uses the word “Comrades” in the title and its aim, as it is today, was to enable angling enthusiast to fish the local waters in and around Thame. At the start the annual subscription was the grand sum of 2 shillings and six pence (12 ½ p in today’s money). Club membership quickly increased to 30 and following the AGM in 1950 a certain Mr Ray Neil was voted on to the committee. Ray passed away in 2022.
The club quickly grew so that by the early 1960s it had nearly 400 members. There were frequent matches held which attracted a large number of anglers. The club also used to hold an Annual Dinner Dance and prize giving. However, by the time the late 1980s and early 90s arrived the popularity of fishing in the local area had declined (as it had nationally) and membership had fallen to below 100. The number of matches fished and the various social events had also declined.
At one stage the club had a number of waters to fish but this too has reduced as the membership decreased. Today the club is able to fish the River Thame from just below the golf driving range, past the back of the Esso petrol, past the back of CPM and then under the old Crendon Bridge, along past the back of the Prebendal and then as far as to where the river goes under the Thame by-pass. It also has the fishing rights to a stretch of the River Thames at Nuneham Courtenay.
The river offers a variety of fish including roach, chub, pike and even the odd bream and trout. The club regularly maintain the fishing areas and work parties clear obstructions and pathways at least two or three times a year. The club offers annual permits and day tickets (see membership section). No night fishing is allowed. For those interested there are a number of matches held each year, otherwise the waters are open for leisure anglers throughout the course fishing season.
Today the club is thriving with a membership of about 80. The committee meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 8.00pm. The present venue is the Swan in Thame. The club welcomes all anglers both young and old. It offers an attractive venue for river fishing with a good variety of fish. Please contact us if you wish to know more.