Morning all,
Here’s a couple of before and after photos for the recently built platform in peg 52.
Over 60 years of fishing on the River Thame
Dear members,
Just to remind everyone our next open is this Sunday 22nd October, so as usual the river is closed.
We draw at the Church at 8am and fish 9 till 2pm.
Anyone wishing to take part please book in with myself 01844 761185 eves or Ian 07821 400 435.
£3 peg fee and £5 pools.
Tight lines Dave.
Good morning everyone.
Our latest work party was again well supported and successful. We managed to trim all the trees we needed out of anglers’ way below the Esso garage with the help of our new work boat, courtesy of the Thames Water pollution fine!
Ian skippered for the morning and Robin was his mate above deck. Baring a couple of near capsizes when nature called, all went off without major incident, so it’s a massive Thanks to all those who attended. These mornings are always productive and are an essential part of keeping our swims open, so if anglers help put a little back we can all keep fishing the Thame.
Also just to remind everyone of this Sunday September 17th is our next open. As usual all water is closed.
Draw at 7.30am in Priest End, near the church in Thame, fish 8.30 til 1.30. £5 pools £3 peg fee and all anglers are welcome to join us.
Please book in with myself 01844 761185 eves, or with Ian 07821 400435.
Tight lines Dave
We will be having a work party on the river on Sunday 23rd July.
This will be general tree trimming and swim clearance to make sure we can all carry on using all our pegs. They last around 3 hrs.
It would be very much appreciated if anybody can spend a little time helping as it is essential annual maintenance.
Please join us on the Esso bridge around 8am and we will split into groups and proceed from there.
Kind Regards Dave
A quick update for your calendars. Here are some confirmed match dates;
All these matches are 7.30 draw and will be fished 8.30 till 1.30
All anglers are welcome to join us. Please book in with Dave Lynne on 01844 761185 (evenings only) or with Ian Horrocks on 07821 400435. We draw near the Church in Thame down Priest End, at the time shown above.
Tight Lines and roll on the 16th!!!
We have added our our Health and Safety Policy, Constitution and Rules to the website.
Please take time to read them and contact us if you have any queries.
Hi everyone, here’s the results for the November open which quite a few people thought would have to be called off for Angus the storm. 16 anglers fished on a low clear river as usual.
It was beginning to rise from the overnight rain, and will continue to do so until tomorrow morning. We will find it bank high Tuesday if the rain forecast for Monday and Tuesday comes to fruition. Never mind, we need the level to rise and the colour to stay for the Xmas match. We already have 12 anglers booked in for that one, so if you would like to attend please let me or Ian know as soon as pos. The Xmas match is £5 pools with no peg fee. We fish for prizes and run an optional £2 superpool on the day. It is on 18th December. 8am draw. Fish 9 till 2.
So in 1st place was Mathew Clark from peg 36. Mat had 11lb exactly. He had 2 Chub one of which weighed in at 4lb 1oz, with a few Perch. One which went 2lb 10oz. Well fished Mathew and see you on the Xmas match.
2nd place came Russell Clark with 7lb 12oz. Notice the unusual Surname connection. Rus caught mainly Perch, with a few Roach for good measure from peg 54. I would like to win some of my money back from the Clark family soon please!
3rd was steady Nick Newitt. Nick had a nest of Perch backed up with some quality Roach on bread flake in peg 37a. Thanks to Nick for helping peg the River on Saturday afternoon. Not an easy task with Angus looming!
4th place unlucky for some was Ian Horrocks with 4lb 7oz.. My mate sat himself in the wrong place in peg 53. Drew the scales, and then decided to fish the stick in a pole peg for Perch. I wouldn’t have sat there myself.
Joint 5th place with 3lb 1oz 8dr. Pegs 41 and 46 Graham Thompson and Mick Baston respectively.
Roger Smith was 7th with 2lb 15oz. Rog was in peg 34 and had a perch of 2lb 10oz.
Brian Pearson in peg 44a was 8th with 1lb 15oz.
9th Dave Lyne in peg 35 1lb 4oz 8dr. Lots of fish, all too small to move the scales.
10th Rob Morris, peg 55 with 1lb 6oz. Rob was one of our junior’s, and is now a senior. We do however have 18 juniors this season. It is free for an under 16 permit for Thame A.C. and they are always a welcome addition on our matches!
11th was Richard Cantwell. Rich was in peg 56 and had 1lb. He did bump a larger specimen, but didn’t hook it properly.
Can all members please add Thame A.C.’s sheep farmer and friend Jim Wise to their phone. 07713514593. Jim helps us big time with all fallen trees in the river and our general maintenance. Jim has had a sheep drown in Prebendal field which was chased into the river by a dog that had torn the sheep’s throat out. We must stay vigilant for Jim and please ring him if any of his sheep are chased. He will take down any dogs which are out of control! Thanks for your co-operation, and thanks to all who came to the match today.
Tight line and see you soon. Dave